Distortions of Normalcy

We talk to ourselves more than we talk to each other

We seek part of ourselves from someone else's remains

We hide most of our being and misrepresent it to each other

We expect relentlessly but never vocalize the thoughts

We walk hand in hand, our fingers somehow repelling each other

We secretly desire to reach each other's mind but can't fathom our own, or rather deny to

We wish to be commemorated and felt fond of by the other because we are too scared to do so

We react to other's demeanours and behave biasedly, however, are we truthful to ourselves?

We live to meet the 'parameters' of life but do we live to our own will?

We say we're fine because it is diplomatically compulsory so the real answer remains unheard

We allow others to take over and proclaim because we rather stand away in the shadows from the limelight

We ponder, analyze, frame and express ourselves but the other is all ears in an unreachable land

We use assumptions of could-be/should-be but asking is not plausible

We chose to be oblivious to the voice in our head but it screams louder and louder because we do not

We fear the truth within us but attempt to be good at gauging others, in vain


The Script of a Relationship